Industrial Design // Seattle

737 Lavatory Concepts

737 Lavatory Concept for first / business class

Project Brief

Create a production-ready concept interior for the 737 retrofit program. Products showcased
in this concept interior include Ceiling Panels, Fixed Bin Extension Kit, Rotating Dropdown
bin, First-Class Lavatory, Galleys G2,4, and 10, Vaulted Entrance Ceiling Panels, and
Sidewalls. Based on legacy data of the existing 737, I designed and visualized all of the
mentioned products in a period of 3 weeks. The result was a stunning new look interior
that will propel the classic 737 to a new era. In addition to executing the design and 3D
modeling all of the above products, I was also the main personel behind the 3D rendering
and animation of the concept interior.

This is the gallery for L2 Lavatory concepts.

Project Scope

Phase 1:

Market Research, Project Framework

Phase 2:

Blue-sky Ideations, Initial CAD Dimensioning, Loose Concept Generation, Internal Review

Phase 3:

Concept Refinement, 3 Refined CAD Models, Initial 3D Renderings, PDR

Phase 4:

Concept Refinement, Marketing Collateral